Bodie Listening Lab

Understanding how people attend to others is both fascinating and stands to improve lives. The Listening Lab employs a range of social scientific research methods including surveys and experiments, and our focus tends to be on observable behaviors - that is, what listeners do when they are called on to attend to others. 

Interested in studying listening ? Fill out an collaboration form here.

Our research is particularly interested in how listening helps connect (or distance) people across the globe. This includes

        1. how listening is a vital part of close relationships, which you can read more about here;

        2. how we can better train people to be motivated to actively attend to one another. I am involved with Listen First Projectand invite you to visit their website.


You can find a list of publications with links to pdf documents here.

Research Scales

You can find links to research scales here.

Current Projects

Currently, we have several projects underway, including a large-scale study of how people listen to others who are experiencing some sort of personal problem.  My collaborator on this research is Dr. Susanne Jones.

In addition, I just finished editing The Sourcebook of Listening Research: Methodology and Measures with Debra Worthington of Auburn University.  The book was published in October 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  More information about this book can be found here.

Approach to Research

If you want to know a bit more about my approach to research, feel free to read here.