Bodie Consulting, LLC - Training, Coaching, Motivating

As a consultant, my job is to listen.  I first seek to understand individual and organizational needs then work collaboratively to find solutions to problems, answers to questions, and to develop customized learning platforms that inspire people to improve.

[Training in listening] has helped in all areas of life. My family has noted the fact that I take more time in conversation. They also have noticed that I’m not problem solving all the time but listening. The daily emails are what keep the program relevant and keep you engaged.
— Recent Client
What is exciting is all the opportunities to work on our listening – especially given current realities in the world. Can’t tell you how thankful I am for everything I’ve learned from you and many of your colleagues. It probably has been one of the deepest and most valuable learning experiences of my life. So, thank you!
— Fundamentals of Listening Workshop Participant

Individualized Coaching

By first listening and facilitating a series of reflection exercises, I help foster one-on-one custom development opportunities for sales professionals, management, and executives. My coaching framework is founded on establishing and building a constructive relationship that allows for challenging assumptions and encouraging improvement. Founded on strong theory, coaching involves designing opportunities unique to each participant, focusing on their particular development. 

Thank you for reaching out to me and connecting me with ECHO. I am absolutely loving the experience ... Thank you for all the time and effort you put into our conversations and my assessment. Your simple gesture of connecting with me on FB has literally changed my life and the lives of many who are going to benefit from developing their listening intelligence.
— Recent Client

Course and Curriculum Development

As an educator, I develop unique courses and curriculum to meet student needs. I bring this expertise to meet organizations' needs to develop the communication and listening skills vital to employee success. My expertise is in the development of specialized programs that aim to discover key organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, particularly those that involve communication and listening.  If your organization experiences issues related to communication - internal conflict, listening and understanding customer needs, employee turn-over, problematic emails, having difficult conversations, how to deliver bad news, lack of assertiveness in your sales force, assuming rather than asking ... I would enjoy collaborating on ways to solve these problems. If you have existing programs, I would enjoy helping you update, assess, or otherwise tweak their effectiveness. 

The [listening effectively] program is not only one of the most interesting class I have ever taken but also the most helpful in both my professional and personal life. I use it in my relationships by allow the speaker to finish their story before giving feedback. It has stopped a lot of situations from going from bad to worse because it lowers the tension when they are given the opportunity to vent. As you know I am a huge believer and still tell people all about you and your program. All are interested in knowing more.
— Recent Client

Keynote Speaking

In addition to individualized public speaking coaching and training, I deliver keynote addresses for corporate meetings, professional associations, and community groups.  Keynote addresses are tailored to the conference theme and corporate needs and generally focus on the power of listening and communication, helping to motivate audience members to improve their social skills. 

Links to articles: 

The Importance of Active Listening

The Skills Americans Say Kids Need to Succeed in Life

Some Considerations of Listening "Too Well"

How to be a Good Listener

Assumptions about "Body Language"

How Nonverbal Behavior can Signal Activity, Interest, Mimicry, and Consistency

Dr. L. Wen: The Doctor Is (Not?) Listening

The Science of Deception (and Why it is Harder than Some Think to Spot a Liar)